These rugs are Turkoman tribal rugs from Northern Afghanistan using local Ghazni hand spun wool, which is probably the best wool in the world for hand knotted rugs. These Hazara tribes people are mostly Shia Muslim and badly persecuted by the Taliban majority. Beautifully finished with bound fringes, we have rarely found such a special collection of such gorgeous rugs.

Very finely knotted in hand spun wool and natural dyes which means they will last over generations.

Very Fine Tribal Sivas

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Very Fine Tribal Sivas - D2220
Very Fine Tribal Sivas - D2220

Size 245 x 82 cm, 8'0 x 2'9

$4,020.00 $1,206.00
Very Fine Tribal Sivas - D2219
Very Fine Tribal Sivas - D2219

Size 246 x 80 cm, 8'1 x 2'8

$3,936.00 $1,181.00
Very Fine Tribal Sivas - D2779
Very Fine Tribal Sivas - D2779

Size 238 x 77 cm, 7'10 x 2'6

$3,668.00 $1,072.00
Very Fine Tribal Sivas - D2776
Very Fine Tribal Sivas - D2776

Size 228 x 76 cm, 7'6 x 2'6

$3,468.00 $1,013.00